ENCP 201: H01: Introduction to the Application of Numerical Methods

Year offered
This class is being offered every Spiring Semester since 2016



This class gives the sophomore students an extensive hands-on experience with the computer programming in MATLAB and Python to solve engineering problem practicing critical thinking.

This class uses Dr. Banerjee's FIBER (Forward Information & Backward Evaluation Record) method.  

Course Outcome

  • Comprehend the mechanics of elementary methods of numerical analysis that can be applied to engineering/physical problems.
  • Understand elementary linear algebra techniques and how to apply them to engineering problems.
  • Demonstrate the application of elementary numerical methods using technological platforms, i.e., programming languages, symbolic manipulators, software packages
  • Synthesis of problem solving techniques: Definition of the problem through identification with standard engineering problem types, choice of solution method, and implementation of the method via an appropriate platform.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will demonstrate the ability to formulate and solve linear algebra problem by hand and also solve using a Programming Platform.
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to apply the concept on Taylor series and polynomials in error analysis, root finding and curve fitting
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to explain experimental data using numerically fitting curves and by estimating the parameters using a Programming Platform.
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to critically think about an engineering problem and how to solve the problem using numerical techniques that are taught in the course.


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