01:07:42 Azael Fernandez: Hello, are there plans to extend the network to other NRENs ? example Latin America ? 01:11:45 Alex Moura: Hi, Azael. The FAB (Fabric Across Borders) is being developed to bring FABRIC to Brazil, for participation of a project lead by INPE (Brazilian National Institute of Space Research) researchers. 01:14:57 Azael Fernandez: OK, thank you. To Mexico could be possible ? 01:17:47 Kuang-Ching Wang: Hi Azael, FAB was able to connect to Brazil over an existing research network AmLight from our Miami FABRIC node. We will be happy to discuss with you if there are similar infrastructure we can use to connect FABRIC to Mexico 01:19:12 Azael Fernandez: OK, thank you Kuang. azael@redes.unam.mx 01:19:35 Jeremy Schafer: which version of Tofino? 01:20:30 Jeremy Schafer: As someone who is still waiting for Tofino2 switches over months, good luck! :) 01:33:31 Kuang-Ching Wang: Jason, we are expecting to get our Tofino switches (EdgeCore Wedge 100BF) in Fall 01:34:13 Vladimir Gurevich: Intel Connectivity Academy 🙂 01:40:57 Azael Fernandez: OK, thank you . 02:28:03 szajih saniatan: is there a forum with already written up scripts? 02:33:27 szajih saniatan: thanks 02:33:30 Tim Rayner: Some vendor devices have P4Runtime. How is that similar/ different to Tofino ? 02:50:55 Alex Moura: What is the price range we can expect for a P4 switch nowadays? For instance, like the Edgecore? 02:52:07 Jorge Crichigno (UofSC): Alex, an Edgecore 32 ports, 3.2 Tbps, is around $8K. I will be happy to share more if interested 03:02:29 wf: we can see the presenter mode 03:03:51 Jorge Crichigno (UofSC): Alex, I will be happy to share the information (vendors, models, etc.) My email is jcrichigno@cec.sc.edu. We can have a Zoom call, at your convenience, or after the workshop 03:04:42 Jose Gomez: For registering to the Netlab Portal, use the following link: https://portal.netdevgroup.com/learn/fmgqx8/enroll/ If you have already registered, please log in using the following link https://portal.netdevgroup.com/account/login 03:07:59 Jose Gomez: Find the VM and other resources using the following link: http://ce.sc.edu/cyberinfra/p4_workshop_feb_2022.html 03:08:57 Robert: Is my assumption correct, that you may either use the vm or the ndg platform to complete all of the labs? 03:09:57 Robert: Wonderful! Thank you!! 03:10:12 Jeremy Schafer: live demo and everyone is probably accessing at the same time :) 03:10:43 Robert: 👍 03:10:44 Phil Hattwick: NDG platform has worked very well for me today. 03:44:17 Steve Schallehn/IowaStUniv: What is the purpose of the CLI command again? Is it necessary in this exercise or will it be discussed later? 03:45:16 Phil Hattwick: CLI is configuring the switch if I understand correctly. 03:45:39 Mohamad Al Adraa: I see the type of the arguments in the parser or deparser (inout, in, out) what is the difference? 03:46:50 Mohamad Al Adraa: my second question is we include the header file however, how did we use the extracted values ? is it by using inout ? 03:46:56 Mohamad Al Adraa: thank you 03:47:02 Ali AlSabeh: output: can be modified in: the parameter is an input that cannot be modified 03:47:34 Ali AlSabeh: inout : both input and output 04:27:00 Jaime Galan Jimenez: i) How can we push the output of the compiler to the whole topology (more than 1 switch)? ii) How can we see the content of the flow table? iii) Which is the syntax of the rules.cmd? 04:30:02 Jaime Galan Jimenez: Great, thank you! 04:35:42 Edoardo Martelli: How the first packet delivered from thee host h1 to the switch? Does the switch has ARP and ND already implemented? 04:46:18 Richard Hughes-Jones (GÉANT): how many bytes into the packet can a Tofino swich go? 04:46:49 Eric Brown: Thank you very much! Great content. 04:46:49 Edoardo Martelli: Very useful. Thank you!!