
AI Roundtable Discussion

Join us for a 2-hour meeting when an AI-related topic (suggested by the USC community) is presented by a panel of experts (during the first hour) and discussed by the broader community of participants and experts (during the second hour). The topics will be suggested by the participants and selected based on popularity. 

AI-ification: Present Your Research

 Learn how to integrate modern AI techniques into your research and form new collaborations with AI researchers. 

AI-athon: Hands-on ML development

Learn how to develop modern ML engines in a one-day hands-on workshop, integrate modern AI techniques into your research, and form new collaborations with AI researchers. 

Directed consultation

You can arrange for a private consultation session by contacting us directly. We will reach out with additional requests (problem statement, data, the current status of the project, etc.) for optimal planning. The meetings can be remotely or in-person. 

Calendar of Events