Dylan is a talented individual with exceptional programming skills. Dylan was Magellan scholar and he received numerous other awards. Dylan worked on a discretization algorithm where a CAD model could...
Emphasis: Robotics and Autonomous Vision Based Motion
Corey is currently pursuing MS. He is a talented individual with incredible programming and analytical skill. Above all Corey is humble, true to his heart and a great human being.
During her Bachelors Mukta majored in Physics and had an inherent knack with solving complex mathematical problems by hand. When she wanted to join our group I gave her the most complex wave...
Fariha was the first female graduate student with PhD from i-MAPS. She worked on diverse projects include Energy Harvesting from Metamaterials, Imaging and Digitization of defects/delamination in...
Indaleeb whom we know as Dipro, is a talented individual with exceptional software design capabilities with futuristic vision. He was also an excellent modeler for computational acoustics. His...