Ainslee is an undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Student with interests in Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE), Computational Acoustics, and Metamaterials. Currently, Ainslee is gaining practical...
Ana Tudor is an engineering student with a passion for material science and robotics. Her primary focus is on structural health monitoring (SHM) and non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of various...
Emphasis: Augmented and Virtual Reality for Digital Twin of NDE Systems
Turner is pursuing a BSE in Mechanical Engineering. He is an expert in CAD and simulations. He is contributing towards the development of Digital Twin for NDE.
Shelby worked in i-MAPS as a Magellan scholar between 2015-2017. She is extremely motivated and hard working engineer. She received her Masters from Northeastern University. At i-MAPS her project was...
Rima was the first female student to graduate with Masters from i-MAPS. She worked on Distributed Point Source Modeling (DPSM) of high frequency focused acoustic lens.
Sadegh was an experimentalist. He created i-MAPS AEVE-3D system that is capable of testing a device under simultaneous acoustic effect and vibration. Sadegh also worked on creating artificial cochlea...
Vahid is a talented individual with very deep analytical skills with exceptional FEA skills. His Dissertation title: Quantification of Material Degradation for Material State Awareness of Composite...