Berge, Nicole, DeeDee Thompson, Carole Ingram, and Charles E. Pierce. 2014. “ENGINEERING DESIGN AND EFFECTs”. Science Scope 38 (3): 16.


16 ing imagination, intuition and deliberate choice”(CV Engineering 2014). There is a simple answer, then, to the question—we teach students to speak the language of engineering by providing instructional environments that inspire them to practice the art of arriving at a good solution. Just like a road trip for a family vacation, the fun is not in the destination, it is in the process of getting there. For this to happen, students need to be immersed in the process of engineering design, which requires both creativity and critical thought. Critical thinking can be described as a subset of three types of thinking: reasoning, making judgments and decisions, and problem solving (Willingham 2007). Research shows that critical thinking associated with engineering content can be facilitated through active learning (eg, Prince 2004), and it can be further stimulated and evaluated through the proposition of reflective questioning of …

Last updated on 09/12/2022