

Shalloo, Matthew, Travis W Knight, Jamil Khan, Tanvir Farouk, and James Tulenko. 2022. “Vacuum Drying Experiments Using a Mock Used Fuel Assembly”. Nuclear Science and Engineering.

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Reuter, Christopher B, Tanvir I. Farouk, and Steven G Tuttle. 2022. “Preferential Vaporization Effects on the Droplet Burning and Lift-off Behaviors of Jet Fuel Surrogates”. In AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 1258.

Lift-off heights of three well-studied reference jet fuels and three surrogate jet fuels with similar pre-vaporized combustion behavior are measured in a piloted spray burner using chemiluminescence imaging. The spray burner consists of a central tube of two-phase flow, resembling an open-pipe atomizer, and a surrounding hydrogen/air pilot flame to assist ignition of the liquid fuel. It is found that the lift-off behaviors of the reference jet fuels are generally comparable, with the main differences occurring for the most transient condition. However, the surrogate fuels do not reproduce the lift-off heights of the reference fuels due to discrepancies in the spray behaviors between the two. In particular, the differences in viscosity are inferred to be the primary reason for the variations in the flame heights. This investigation confirms that the physical properties of …

Nam, Seong-Nam, Choe Earn Choong, Shamia Hoque, Tanvir I. Farouk, Jinwoo Cho, Min Jang, Shane A. Snyder, Michael E. Meadows, and Yeomin Yoon. 2022. “Catalytic Non-Thermal Plasma Treatment of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds, Pharmaceuticals, and Personal Care Products in Aqueous Solution: A Review”. Chemosphere 290: 133395.
Contaminants of emerging concerns such as endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) and pharmaceuticals/personal-care products (PPCPs) constitute a problem since they are not completely eliminated by traditional water and wastewater treatment methods. Non-thermal plasma (NTP) is considered as one of the most favorable treatment methods for the removal of organic contaminants in water and wastewater. The degradation of selected EDCs and PPCPs of various classes was reviewed, based on the recent literature, to (i) address the effect of the main NTP treatment parameters (water quality and NTP conditions: pH, initial concentration, temperature, background common ion, NOM, scavenger, gas type/flow rate, discharge/reactor type, input power, and energy efficiency/yield) on the degradation of contaminants and their intermediates, (ii) assess the influences of different catalysts and hybrid systems on degradation, (iii) describe EDC and PPCP degradation along with their properties, and (iv) evaluate mineralization, pathway, and degradation mechanism of selected EDCs and PPCPs for different cases studied. Furthermore, areas of potential research in NTP treatment for the degradation of EDCs and PPCPs in aqueous solutions are recommended. It could be reasonably predicted that this review is valid for developing our understanding of the fundamental scientific principles concerning the catalytic NTP of EDCs and PPCPs, providing helpful and practical references for researchers and designers on the effective removal of EDCs/PPCPs and the optimized operation of catalytic NTP systems.
Saha, Sudipta, Jamil Khan, Travis Knight, and Tanvir Farouk. 2022. “A Global Model for Predicting Vacuum Drying of Used Nuclear Fuel Assemblies”. Nuclear Technology 208 (3): 414-27.
AbstractA global model is proposed to simulate the drying process of used nuclear fuel assemblies under vacuum drying conditions. The transient model consists of a coupled mass and energy conservation equation with appropriate source and sink terms. The classic Hertz-Knudsen expression is employed to resolve the evaporation rate and the associated water mass depletion in the system. Both latent heat of vaporization and residual decay heat are considered as sink and source in the energy conservation, respectively. The model is employed to simulate vacuum drying of spent nuclear fuel rod storage systems. Multistage stepwise vacuuming of the system is emulated, and several parametric studies are conducted to identify their role in the drying process. The predicted temporal profiles show that the proposed model is able to capture qualitative trends of the water removal rate, hence the dryness level of the system. The model prediction is also compared against experiments where the amount of residual water after a standard vacuum drying procedure is quantified. The predictions are found to compare favorably with the experimental measurements.


Tahiyat, Malik M, Sang Hee Won, and Tanvir I Farouk. 2021. “Characterization of an Atmospheric Pressure Misty Plasma Discharge”. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 66.

Misty plasmas are typically defined as plasma containing small liquid droplets and therefore makes it a multiphase system. In an attempt to characterize an atmospheric pressure misty plasma discharge a flat plate dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) is designed that utilizes a stagnation flow field for the introduction of water droplet laden flow. The water droplets in the form of spray are introduced through an annulus from the bottom plate, which also acts as the grounded electrode. The interaction of the liquid spray and the DBD plasma discharge is characterized through measurements of the voltage-current characteristics, optical emission spectrum and discharge visualization. An AC driven power supply having a 22 KHz frequency was utilized to drive the DBD discharge and maintain a peak voltage and current of~ 8 kV and~ 100 mA respectively. Preliminary results show that the DBD discharge operates in the …

Hoque, Shamia, Tanvir I Farouk, and Malik M Tahiyat. 2021. Siloxane removal off landfill gas using dielectric barrier discharge plasma. 17032123, issued 2021.

A dielectric barrier discharge system, employed to reform/remove organosilicon contaminants off a carrier stream to provide a sustainable, end-of-technology way of siloxane removal that will ensure siloxane does not re-enter the carrier stream, as well as generates useful end-products.

Wahaibi, Ayuob Al, Malik M Tahiyat, Sang Hee Won, and Tanvir I Farouk. 2021. “Characterization of an Atmospheric Pressure Misty Plasma Discharge”. APS Annual Gaseous Electronics Meeting Abstracts, KW81. 060.

Misty plasmas are typically defined as plasma containing small liquid droplets and therefore makes it a multiphase system. In an attempt to characterize an atmospheric pressure misty plasma discharge, a flat plate dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) is designed that utilizes a stagnation flow field for the introduction of water droplet laden flow. The water droplets in the form of spray are introduced through an annulus from the bottom plate, which also acts as the grounded electrode. The interaction of the liquid spray and the DBD plasma discharge is characterized, and compared with glow discharge, through measurements of the voltagecurrent characteristics, optical emission spectrum and discharge visualization. The emissions Of radicals from H

Sultana, Quazi Nahida, Mujibur Khan, Rajib Mahamud, Mohammadsadegh Saadatzi, Papia Sultana, Tanvir Farouk, Rafael Quirino, and Sourav Banerjee. 2021. “Fabrication and Characterization of Non-Equilibrium Plasma-Treated PVDF Nanofiber Membrane-Based Sensors”. Sensors 21 (12).
The effect of a self-pulsing non-equilibrium plasma discharge on piezoelectric PVDF nanofiber membrane was investigated. The plasma discharge was generated in air with a DC power source, with a discharge current of 0.012 mA, a nominal interelectrode separation of 1 mm, and discharge voltage of  970 V. In a continuous fabrication process, the electrospinning method was used to generate thin nanofiber membrane with a flow rate of 0.7–1 mL h−1 and 25–27 kV voltage to obtain the nanofiber with high sensitivity and a higher degree of alignment and uniformity over a larger area. Plasma treatment was applied on both single layer and multi-layer (three layers) nanomembranes. In addition, simultaneously, the nanofiber membranes were heat-treated at a glass transition temperature (80–120 °C) and then underwent plasma treatment. Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy showed that the area under the curve at 840 and 1272 cm−1 (β phase) increased due to the application of plasma and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) indicated an increase in the degree of crystallinity. Finally, PVDF sensors were fabricated from the nanofibers and their piezoelectric properties were characterized. The results suggested that compared to the pristine samples the piezoelectric properties in the plasma and plasma-heat-treated sensors were enhanced by 70% and 85% respectively.
Aghdam, Ali Charchi, and Tanvir Farouk. (2025) 2021. “The Role of Negative Hydroxyl Ions in the Electron Generation and Breakdown During Plasma Formation in Liquid Water”. Plasma Sources Science and Technology 30 (6): 065025.
The role of negative hydroxyl ions in liquid-phase plasma discharge formation is investigated using an inhouse modeling framework. Two tunneling sources for electrons are considered—tunneling ionization of water molecules and tunneling detachment of negative hydroxyl ions together with additional reaction steps. The simulations are conducted for a needle-like powered electrode with two different nanosecond rise time voltage profiles—a linear and an exponential rise. Both the profiles have a maximum voltage of 15 kV. The predictions show that the electron detachment, which has a much lower threshold energy requirement, provides a stream of electrons at low applied voltage during the initial rise time. The electrical forces from the electron detachment process generate stronger compression but a weaker expansion regime in the liquid resulting in ∼40% increase in the density and only ∼1% decrease. The electron detachment tunneling process is found to be not limited by the electric field, but rather by the availability of negative hydroxyl ions in the system and ceases when these ions are depleted. The tunnel ionization of water molecules forms the electron wave at a higher applied voltage, but the resulting peak electron number density is typically six orders of magnitude larger than the detachment tunneling. The higher electron number density allows the recycling of depleted negative hydroxyl ions in the system and can reestablish tunneling detachment. In addition, the system experiences a larger variation in density; specifically, a decrease in density due to tunnel ionization. The prediction also shows that irrespective of the initial electron sources (i.e. tunnel ionization or tunnel detachment) the reduced electric field is not sufficient enough to allow electron impact ionization to be active and make a significant contribution. Path flux analysis is conducted to determine the kinetics responsible for the recycling of the negative hydroxyl ions.
Tahiyat, Malik M, Jacob C Stephens, Vladimir I Kolobov, and Tanvir I Farouk. (2025) 2021. “Striations in Moderate Pressure Dc Driven Nitrogen Glow Discharge”. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 55 (8): 085201.
Plasma stratification has been studied for more than a century. Despite the many experimental studies reported on this topic, theoretical analyses and numerical modeling of this phenomenon have been mostly limited to rare gases. In this work, a one-dimensional fluid model with detailed kinetics of electrons and vibrationally excited molecules is employed to simulate moderate-pressure (i.e. a few Torrs) dc discharge in nitrogen in a 15.5 cm long tube of radius 0.55 cm. The model also considers ambipolar diffusion to account for the radial loss of ions and electrons to the wall. The proposed model predicts self-excited standing striations in nitrogen for a range of discharge currents. The impact of electron transport parameters and reaction rates obtained from a solution of local two-term and a multi-term Boltzmann equation on the predictions are assessed. In-depth kinetic analysis indicates that the striations result from the undulations in electron temperature caused due to the interaction between ionization and vibrational reactions. Furthermore, the vibrationally excited molecules associated with the lower energy levels are found to influence nitrogen plasma stratification and the striation pattern strongly. A balance between ionization processes and electron energy transport allows the formation of the observed standing striations. Simulations were conducted for a range of discharge current densities from ∼0.018 to 0.080 mA cm−2, for an operating pressure of 0.7 Torr. Parametric studies show that the striation length decreases with increasing discharge current. The predictions from the model are compared against experimental measurements and are found to agree favorably.