Mathematical Modeling for the Discharge of a Metal Hydride Electrode

De Vidts, Pauline, Javier Delgado, and Ralph E. White. 1995. “Mathematical Modeling for the Discharge of a Metal Hydride Electrode”. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 142 (12): 4006-13.


A mathematical model for the discharge of a metal-hydride electrode was developed. The model was used to study the effect of various parameters on predicted;discharge curves. The simulations obtained using the model show the expected decrease of charge utilization as the rate of discharge is increased. Increasing the particle size of the alloy and decreasing the diffusion coefficient of the hydrogen atoms in the hydride showed a similar effect on the discharge curves. The model simulations also show the critical role that the kinetic and transport parameters play in determining the overall shape of the predicted discharge curves for a metal-hydride electrode. The kinetic parameters used in the model predictions are those for TiMn1.5Hx (x \textless 0.31).
Last updated on 09/07/2023