Modeling Lithium Intercalation of a Single Spinel Particle under Potentiodynamic Control

Zhang, Dong, Branko N. Popov, and Ralph E. White. 2000. “Modeling Lithium Intercalation of a Single Spinel Particle under Potentiodynamic Control”. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 147 (3): 831.


A mathematical model is presented for the lithium intercalation of a single spinel particle as a microelectrode under the stimulus of a cyclic linear potential sweep. The model includes both lithium diffusion within the particle and kinetics at the particle/electrolyte interface. The model is used to predict that peak current densities depend linearly on the scan rate to a certain power with a constant term, which is different from the predicted peak current density for a conventional redox system.
Last updated on 09/07/2023