A Modified Electrochemical Process for the Decomposition of Hydrogen Sulfide in an Aqueous Alkaline Solution

Mao, Z., A. Anani, R. E. White, S. Srinivasan, and A. J. Appleby. 1991. “A Modified Electrochemical Process for the Decomposition of Hydrogen Sulfide in an Aqueous Alkaline Solution”. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 138 (5): 1299-1303.


An electrochemical process for the decomposition of hydrogen sulfide into its constituents in an aqueous alkaline so- lution is presented. It essentially consists of presaturation of an alkaline scrubber solution with H2S. Thereafter, partial neutralization of the presaturated solution provides not only the necessary mass balance for electrolysis, but also creates the optimum conditions under which passivation of the anode, as well as side chemical and electrochemical reactions, are minimized. Finally, the electrolysis stage of the process leads to precipitation of crystalline sulfur at the anode and evolu- tion of hydrogen at the cathode. Regeneration of the alkaline solution via an osmotic effect developed during electrolysis completes the process
Last updated on 09/07/2023