Studies on metal hydride electrodes with different weights and binder contents

Zheng, G., B. S. Haran, B. N. Popov, and R. E. White. 1999. “Studies on metal hydride electrodes with different weights and binder contents”. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 29 (3): 361-69.


LaNi4.27Sn0.24 electrodes were characterized using electrochemical techniques at different alloy weights and binder contents. For a given alloy weight, the polarization resistance (Rp) increases with the state of charge (SOC). This arises due to changes from $\alpha$ to $\beta$ phase at the alloy surface. The electroactive surface area for the hydrogen adsorption/desorption reaction changes with SOC and this also contributes to the variation of Rp. Since the interfacial area increases with alloy content, the polarization resistance decreases with increase in the alloy weight. An increase in the alloy weight reduces Rp and lowers the total resistance. The electrode utilization decreases by increasing the binder content and the electrode weight. A theoretical model is presented to study the effect of alloy weight and particle size on the electrode performance. The model simulations predict lowering of the utilization with increase in the electrode weight. The effect of particle size on the energy and power density of the electrode was also studied.
Last updated on 09/07/2023