
Detection and characterization of Wrinkled fibers in Composite

Duration: 2016-2019

Role: PI


Research Objective: This task was part of the NDE bucket funded to USC. Objective was to detect characterize wrinkled fibers in composites using phased array and Guided wave ultrasonic NDE. Suitable feature in ultrasonic signals that are mostly affected by wrinkles were identified.  

wrinkle1 wrinkle2

Modeling Ultrasonic Wave in Laminated Composites

Duration: 2016-2019

Role: PI


Research Objective: This was a task under NDE bucket funded to USC. Objective was to develop computer code that can help visualize pulse-echo and phased array NDE modalities of ultrasonic energy interaction in composite laminates. Spectral Element Method (SEM) was adopted and was used to model the composite both in 2D and 3D. No damage was included however, this is our current activity and if you are interested in SEM to model waves in engineered structures, please free to contact Prof. Banerjee.  

Energy Harvesting for on-line NDI sensors

Duration: 2015-2019

Role: PI


Research Objective: Details are restricted. Big picture objective was to find suitable energy harvesting technology for powering local sensors in real time. 

Damage Differentiation from SHM Guided Wave Sensor Signals and Sensor/Actuation Optimization

Duration: 2010-2012

Role: PI


Research Objective: This project was performed when Prof. Banerjee was the Director of Product Development at Acellent Technologies and Airbus funded this project to Acellent. Objective of this project was to distinguish the difference between delamination or disbond at a joint from the ultrasonic signal features. Ultrasonic signals were generated using PZT based surface mounted SHM sensors on either side of stringer attached to the skin. 

Experimental Determination of Probability of Detection of Fatigue Damage in Metallic joints with Friction Stir Welding

Duration: 2011

Role: PI


Research Objective: This project was performed when Prof. Banerjee was the Director of Product Development at Acellent Technologies and Embraer funded this project to Acellent. Details restricted. 

Structural Health Monitoring Technology for Aerospace Propellant Tanks

Duration: 2010

Role: PI

Thales Alenia Space

Research Objective: This project was performed when Prof. Banerjee was the Director of Product Development at Acellent Technologies and Thales Alenia funded this project to Acellent. At Turin, Italy a real time composite wrapped pressurized vessel was tested under pressure fatigue loading. The crack propagation and its early initiation in metal liner was detected via unique ultrasonic signal processing algorithm designed by Banerjee. Please refer publications on this topic.