Office of Naval Research 


Manufacturing Advanced Composites for Hypersonics (MACH)

Duration: 2023-2027

Role: Co-PI, Key Personnel 

Project Objective:  In this multi-million dollar project our team is composed of the University of South Carolina, Integer Technologies, LLC, University of Southern Mississippi and Raytheon. Objective of this project is to integrate digital engineering with Hypersonic composite manufacturing such that manufacturing is NDE informed. Physics based understanding and model based material development is also planned to be integrated with the manufacturing process.  Primary objectives and task for i-MAPS is to develop closed loops online capability to make real-time adjustments during manufacturing which is currently very limited due to lack of in-situ nondestructive evaluation (NDE). In this project multiple state of the art in-situ NDE methods are being developed for Hypersonic composites at different stages of manufacturing which will help the process with go/no-go decision in real time. 

Digital Twin 4.0: Demonstration of Integration of Physics based Analysis Tools with a Digital-Twin for Structural Safety

Duration: 2022-2023

Role: Research Fellow 

Project Objective: This project was performed during the sabbatical at NAVSEA, Carderock, MD. First objective was to find the immediate bottleneck need to mature the Digital-Twin for SHM. As currently realized, state-of-the art Digital-Twins for estimating structural reliability and health assessment are far from achieving the wide-ranging capabilities for digital transformation. To inform mission planning and act as an authoritative source of truth for engineering analyses, sensor data to diagnose structural health, physics-based models, and ML are to be fused to provide real time estimates of local and global reliability of structural components and structures as a whole. However this grand vision is yet to be materialized due to multiple technological, engineering, and cultural work flow challenges. This project was to identify and propagate the concept of the new generation four level Digital-Twin 4.0.

  NLign PhysicsDeepLink

Digital Twin for Online SHM of Naval Structures

Duration: 2021 | 2022

Role: Summer Faculty Fellow

Project Objectives: Create ML algorithm to predict crack growth in specific naval structural component from ultrasonic Guided wave data generated using Piezoelectric sensors. Algorithm was developed using training data from existing data set collected over time.   

SHM System Development for Detection of Corrosion in HSV Ship Hulls made of 5xxx Aluminum

Duration: 2010-2012

Role: PI

Project Objective: Prof. Banerjee served as PI on this project which was a SBIR Phase I - II project funded to Acellent Technologies Inc. Objective was to develop phase array capability of PZT based Guided wave SHM system to detect corrosion in corrosion prone zones by artificially focusing Guided wave beams. It was not possible to put sensors every where. Hence, the study included optimized placement of clustered sensor for maximum coverage of scanning area.