Introduction of Posture-Based Pre-Alignment for Naval Applications

Booth, Kristen Elizabeth, Kerry Sado, Jack Hannum, Josh Knight, and Roger A. Dougal. 2023. “Introduction of Posture-Based Pre-Alignment for Naval Applications”. In 2023 IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium (ESTS).


Posture-based plant pre-alignment is the preparation and configuration of naval power systems to tailor its performance based on multiple projections of anticipated system loading. Pre-alignment differs from alignment because it prepares power and energy systems for success in the near future, rather than just optimizing for current conditions. This method leverages the operator's intuition or foreknowledge of upcoming mission segments to enable more effective operation of a ship electrical power plant and should improve responsiveness to challenging loads, including pulsed mission systems, when the method is applied in a Navy Power and Energy System (NPES) tactical energy management controller. As with conditions of readiness for crew members, the NPES posture and alignment can proactively change to establish readiness for potential power demands based on the requirements of the mission for the current mode of operation. Preliminary experimental results of posture-based alignment, as integrated with digital twin technology, are provided and discussed. Future impact of posture-based pre-alignment on Naval applications include reduced load shedding and integration of power and energy systems to include propulsive loads and mission critical loads.

Last updated on 04/02/2024