Hybrid Slab Systems in High-rises for More Sustainable Design

Berger, Katherine, Samuel Benzoni, Zhaoshuo Jiang, Wenshen Pong, Juan M. Caicedo, David Shook, and Christopher Horiuchi. 2021. “Hybrid Slab Systems in High-rises for More Sustainable Design”. In Sensors and Instrumentation, Aircraft Aerospace, Energy Harvesting & Dynamic Environments Testing, Volume 7:185-91. Springer, Cham.


Greenhouse gases trap heat within our atmosphere, leading to an unnatural increase in temperature. Carbon dioxide and its equivalent emissions have been a large focus when considering sustainability in the civil engineering field, with a reduction of global warming potential being a top priority. According to a 2017 report by the World Green Building Council, the construction and usage of buildings account for 39 percent of human carbon emissions in the United States, almost one third of which are from the extraction, manufacturing, and transportation of materials. Substituting wood for high emission materials could greatly reduce carbon if harvested and disposed of in a controlled way. To investigate this important issue, San Francisco State University and University of South Carolina partnered with Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP, a world leader in designing high-rise buildings, through a National Science …

Last updated on 07/01/2022