IPv6 Pre-Conference Workshop





IPv6 Pre-Conference Workshop

Monday, October 7, 2024 - Tuesday, October 8, 2024
6301 State Route 298, East Syracuse, NY 13057


New York State Education and Research Network (NYSERNET)
The Engagement and Performance Operations Center (EPOC)
Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)
University of South Carolina (USC)



This hands-on workshop will cover IPv6 fundamentals and practical deployments. It will start with the basics of IPv6, including IPv6 addressing, global unicast address (GUI), link-local address (LLA), and IPv6 multicast address. The workshop will also cover techniques used to enable auto-configuration of IPv6 addresses: stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC), stateless dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP), and stateful DHCP. Then, the workshop will discuss static and dynamic routing on IPv6 networks, covering both intra-domain and inter-domain routing. Finally, the workshop will cover monitoring and configuration of end systems, e.g., configuration of DNS and HTTP servers, and access control lists. Concepts will be reinforced with hands-on laboratory experiments.



The workshop is targeted to IT professionals such as system administrators, network engineers, and practitioners in general. The content is also suitable for IT leadership who may want to further understand best practices supporting research and education activities on campus. Additionally, systematic hands-on lab libraries will be made available to educators interested in incorporating the materials on their programs.



By the end of this workshop, attendees will:

  • Understand IPv6 addresses.
  • Deploy and operate IPv6 networks by statically configuring IPv6 addresses on routers, DNS servers, Web servers, and other end devices.
  • Describe the operation of the Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC).
  • Understand the operation of stateless and stateful DHCPv6.
  • Deploy and operate IPv6 networks with DHCP and SLAAC.
  • Explain dynamic intra-domain routing with OSPFv3 on an IPv6 network.
  • Explain dynamic inter-domain routing with BGP on an IPv6 network.
  • Deploy and operate an IPv6 network with dynamic intra- and inter-domain routing.




Connectivity to the Internet and a browser to access the online virtual platform. Attendees will be provided with an account to access USC’s NETLAB system: https://netlab.cec.sc.edu/



Day 1: Monday, October 7 
Time (EDT) Topic Presenter
8:00-8:30 Arrivals, Informal Discussion  
8:30-8:45 Welcome & Introductions Jason Zurawski
8:45-9:30 Intro to IPv6 [PDF, PPT] Doug Southworth
9:30-10:15 Hands-on session 1: Introduction and Basic Configuration [PDF, PPT] Jose Gomez
10:15-10:30 Break  
10:30-11:15  Campus IPv6 - Planning and strategy [PDF, PPT] Corey Eichelberger
11:15 -12:15

Hands-on session 2: IPv6 Static Routing [PDF, PPT]

Jose Gomez
12:15-13:30 Lunch  

IPv6 Security and DNS [PDF, PPT]

Corey Eichelberger
14:15-14:45  IPv6 Systems [PDF, PPT] Corey Eichelberger

Hands-on session 3: Systems Configuration [PDF, PPT]

Jose Gomez
15:15-15:30 Break  

Hands-on session 3: Systems Configuration (cont)

16:00-16:45 IPv6 Routing [PDF, PPT] Corey Eichelberger
16:45 - 17:00 Summary, Questions     Jason Zurawski


Day 2: Tuesday, October 8
Time (EDT) Topic Presenter
8:00-8:30 Arrivals, Breakfast, Informal Discussion  
8:30-9:15 IPv6 Performance and Monitoring [PDF, PPT] Doug Southworth
9:15-9:30 IPv6 Wireless & SC23 Architecture [PDF, PPT] Corey Eichelberger
9:30-10:30 Hands-on session 4: IPv6 Dynamic & Interdomain Routing [PDF, PPT] Jose Gomez
10:30-10:45 Break  
10:45-11:15 Data Mobility [PDFPPT] Jason Zurawski
11:15-12:00 Hands-on session 5: Performance Monitoring & Science DMZ [PDF, PPT] Jose Gomez




Access to Lab Platform

To access the lab platform, please use the following URL: https://netlab.cec.sc.edu/


Item Note
IPv6 lab manuals: Link Link to all the IPv6 lab manuals
perfSONAR5 lab manuals: Link Link to all the perfSONAR5 lab manuals
NTP lab manuals: Link Link to all the NTP lab manuals
Cybertraining Material: Link List of virtual labs on P4, SDN, network tools and protocols, ...
perfSONAR5 Docker container: Link This container runs the perfSONAR toolkit
Software-Defined Networks: A Systems Approach: Link A book that explores the key principles of Software-Defined Networking (SDN)
Mininet: Link Virtual testbed enabling the development and testing of network tools and protocols
Containernet: Link Mininet fork that allows to use Docker containers as hosts in emulated networks
Mininet Installation: Link A guide that describes the steps to install Mininet on Linux
Wireshark: Link Packet analyzer used for network troubleshooting, analysis, protocol development, and education