A Hands-on Tutorial on P4 Programmable Data Planes



A Hands-on Tutorial on P4 Programmable Data Planes

Monday March 6 – Wednesday March 8, 2023

  • University of South Carolina (USC)
  • Online Workshop - NETLAB+


This tutorial provides Information Technology (IT) professionals with hands-on exercises on P4 programmable data plane switches, covering from introductory to advanced topics. Programmable data plane switches have recently emerged, attracting significant attention from the industry and the academia. They permit operators and programmers in general to run customized packet processing functions in the data plane at terabit rates, thus paving the way for an unprecedented wave of innovation and experimentation by reducing the time of designing, testing, and adopting new protocols; enabling a customized, top-down approach to develop network applications; providing granular visibility of packet events defined by the programmer; reducing complexity and enhancing resource utilization of the programmable switches; and drastically improving the performance of applications that are offloaded to the data plane. This tutorial will permit each attendee to execute virtual laboratory experiments, covering a wide range of features and topics related to P4 programmable switches, from introductory to advanced levels.



By the end of this tutorial, attendees will:

P4 Programmable Data Plane Switches (Part I):
  • Describe the elements of the Protocol Independent Switch Architecture (PISA)
  • Define protocol headers and header fields in P4
  • Write simple parsers using P4
  • Define match-action tables
  • Populate and manage match-action tables at runtime
  • Verify and update checksums
P4 Programmable Data Plane Switches (Part II):
  • Define and process custom headers
  • Inspect and use the standard metadata provided by the switch
  • Create and parse header stacks
  • Count flow statistics
  • Store arbitrary data using registers
  • Notify the control plane using digests


Intended Audience

The tutorial is targeted to IT educators and professionals such as system administrators, network engineers, practitioners. The content is suitable for instructors who want to incorporate advanced material into their networking classes. The content is available for NETLAB systems.


The laboratory environment consists of routers, switches, and hosts deployed in IPv4 networks. Attendees are expected to know basic networking (IPv4, local area networks, OSI model). Training activities will be conducted using NetLab. Attendees will be provided with a username and a password.




 DAY 1: Monday, March 6
Time Topic Presenter
08:00 - 08:15 Tutorial Overview Jorge Crichigno
08:15 - 08:45 Motivation for Data Plane Programmability [PPT, PDF] Jorge Crichigno
08:45 - 08:50 Overview of P4 Programmable Data Plane Switches (BMv2) (Part I) [PPT, PDF] Jorge Crichigno
08:50 - 09:00 Break  
09:00 - 09:30 Lab 1: Introduction to Mininet [PPT, PDF] Jorge Crichigno
09:30 - 10:15 Lab 3: P4 Program Building Blocks [PPT, PDF] Jorge Crichigno
10:15 - 10:25 Break  
10:25 - 11:10 Parsers [PPT, PDF] Jorge Crichigno
11:10 - 12:00 Lab 4: Parser Implementation [PPT, PDF] Jorge Crichigno
Exercise Exercise 3 - Parsing UDP and RTP  
DAY 2: Tuesday, March 7
Time Topic Presenter
08:00 - 08:10 Review Exercise 3 - Parsing UDP and RTP Jorge Crichigno
08:10 - 08:30 Match-action Tables [PPT, PDF] Jorge Crichigno
08:30 - 09:30 Lab 6: Match-action Tables [PPT, PDF] Jorge Crichigno
09:30 - 09:40 Break  
09:40 - 10:10 Runtime Controller, Checksum Calculation, Deparser [PPT, PDF] Jorge Crichigno
10:10 - 11:00 Lab 7: Populating and Managing Match-action Tables at Runtime [PPT, PDF] Jorge Crichigno
11:00 - 11:10 Break  
11:10 - 12:00 Lab 8: Checksum Recalculation and Packet Deparsing [PPT, PDF] Jorge Crichigno
Exercise Exercise 4 - Implementing NAT using Match-action Tables  
DAY 3: Wednesday, March 8
Time Topic Presenter
08:00 - 08:10 Review Exercise 4 - Implementing NAT using Match-action Tables Jorge Crichigno
08:10 - 08:35 Standard Metadata and Counters [PPT, PDF] Jorge Crichigno
08:35 - 09:35 Lab 5: Monitoring the Switch's Queue using Standard Metadata [PPT, PDF] Jorge Crichigno
09:35 - 09:45 Break  
09:45 - 10:00 Registers [PPT, PDF] Jorge Crichigno
10:00 - 11:00 Lab 10: Calculating packets interarrival times using hashes and registers [PPT, PDF] Jorge Crichigno
11:00 - 11:45 Lab 11: Generating Notification Messages using Digests [PPT, PDF] Jorge Crichigno
11:45 - 12:00 Discussions opportunities at USC Jorge Crichigno




Item Note
P4 Cheat Sheet: Link P4 language cheat sheet
BMv2 Docker Containers: Link DockerHub link for the BMv2 containers
Cybertraining Material: Link List of virtual labs on P4, SDN, network tools and protocols, ...
P4 Campus: Link P4 applications for campus networks
FABRIC: Link A programmable research infrastructure
Behavioral Model version 2 (BMv2): Link Reference P4 software switch used as a tool for developing, testing and debugging P4 data planes
Software-Defined Networks: A Systems Approach: Link A book that explores the key principles of Software-Defined Networking (SDN)
Mininet: Link Virtual testbed enabling the development and testing of network tools and protocols
Containernet: Link Mininet fork that allows to use Docker containers as hosts in emulated networks
Mininet Installation: Link A guide that describes the steps to install Mininet on Linux
Wireshark: Link Packet analyzer used for network troubleshooting, analysis, protocol development, and education